By the way, I've been back from China for a little over a month. It was incredible! I am working on a report for school, I will share on the blog - with pictures etc. - later this summer.
Meanwhile, just a few pics to give you a flavor. What an amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Great wall greatness.
Entrance to the Forbidden City.
Howard Johnson's in Shanghai spells out something profound in Chinese.
The view of PuDong from the Bund in Shanghai - what's all the electricity cost?
Good friends were made into great ones!
Port of Shanghai - an amazing engineering feat built in 2 year.
Local transportation.
Hangzhou - West Lake - views that inspire Chinese lovers and poets.
Four REAL Take-Away's from Tuesday's Midterm Elections
Forget what pundits are saying on CNN and in the NY Times.
This was not a repudiation of Trump and Trumpism.
This was not a re-alignment of the parties.
6 years ago